Data Science & Machine Learning 1

Instructor: Devon Peticolas
Room: 825 Mudd

Who Am I?

  • Mr. Peticolas ("Mr. P").
  • I've worked at startups on Data Science teams for 11 years.
  • I'm currently at Oden Technologies where I build and deploy Data Science and Machine Learning for plastics manufacturing.
  • This is my first time teaching at Columbia.
What is this Class About

What Is This Class About?

What is this Class About


A general-purpose programming language popular in Data Science.

Data Science

The process of extracting knowledge from data.

Machine Learning

A subset of Data Science that uses algorithms to learn from data.

What is this Class About

Machine Learning

is an application of Data Science.


is a programming language.

Data Science

is most often done in Python.

Why Take This Class?

Why Take This Class?

Why Take This Class?

Python is a Powerful General Purpose Language


Why Take This Class?

Data Science Helps You Make Sense of the World


Why Take This Class?

There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.
~ Benjamin Disraeli, polularized by Mark Twain

Why Take This Class?

Machine Learning is Sneaking Into Day-to-Day Life


Why Take This Class?

Machine Learning is Sneaking Into Day-to-Day Life


Why Take This Class?


Why Take This Class?

The Most Effective Data Scientsts

Are Not "Real" Data Scientists

Why Take This Class?

Fields That Use Data Science

  • Manufacturing
  • Finance
  • Molecular Biology
  • Healthcare
  • Human Resources
  • Operations and Supply Chain
  • Journalism (538)
  • Education
  • Legal Services
  • Sales
  • Real Estate
  • Environmental Science
  • Marine Biology
  • Government and Public Policy
Why Take This Class?

I’m a mediocre cartoonist, a mediocre writer, and a mediocre businessperson. But I’m a combination of all three, and the intersection of mediocrity makes me successful.

Why Take This Class?

Programming as a profession is only moderately interesting. It can be a good job, but if you want to make about the same money and be happier you could actually just go run a fast food joint. You are much better off using code as your secret weapon in another profession.
~ Zed Shaw (Learn Python the Hard Way)

Course Objectives and Syllabus

Course Objectives and Syllabus

Course Objectives and Syllabus

Course Objectives

  1. Produce basic Python programs capable of user input/output.
  2. Use data from CSVs, relational databases, and the web in code.
  3. Employ Data Science packages to perform adhoc data analysis.
  4. Calculate, plot, and present analsysis from data with Python.
  5. Model problems with Supervised and Unsupervised ML.
  6. Identify the use of neural nets in modern AI.
Course Objectives and Syllabus

Week 1: Python

  • Introduction to Python and programming (no prior experience)
  • Variables, data types, and control flow
  • Functions, data structures, and file I/O
  • Classes and objects
  • Libraries and modules
  • Pandas and working with tabular data
Course Objectives and Syllabus

Week 2: Data Science

  • What is Data?
  • Data Formats
  • Data Visualization
  • Time Series Data
  • Natural Language Processing
Course Objectives and Syllabus

Week 3: Machine Learning

  • Introduction to Machine Learning
  • Supervised and Unsupervised Learning
  • Neural Networks
  • Deep Learning
  • How these tools forms the basis of modern AI
Course Objectives and Syllabus


  • Basic Python Exercises in Google Colab Notebooks
  • Building a Text Adventure Game
  • CSV Data Analysis
  • Natural Language Processing with Music Lyrics
  • Time Series Data Analysis
  • Image Classification with Pytorch

Let's Collect Some Data

What Tools Will We Use

What Tools Will We Use?

What Tools Will We Use
  • We will use computers with keyboards.
  • All python will be written in Jupyter Notebooks.
  • We will use Google Colab for running Jupyter notebooks.
    • Online platform for running Jupyter notebooks.
    • Free access to computing resources.
    • Integrates with Google Drive and Github.
  • We will share data on Google Drive
What Tools Will We Use

About Using ChatGPT, Gemini, etc.

I encourage you to use all of the tools at your disposal to learn.

However, for many portions of this class, you will be hindering yourself by using these. For the first few lectures, turn them off and figure it out on your own.

You will learn more and be better prepared to use (and debug) them in the future.

I will tell you when it's time to turn them on.

What Tools Will We Use

Our First Colab Notebook

What Tools Will We Use



What Tools Will We Use

Your First Exercise

  1. Set up Google Colab and create a new notebook.
  2. Write a program that prints "Hello, World!"
    print("Hello, World!")
  3. Do some math
    print("What is 3 + 4?", 3 + 2)
    print("What is 6 - 7?", 6 - 7)
    print("Is it true that 3 + 4 < 6 - 7?", 3 + 4 < 6 - 7)