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Linear Regression
What is Linear Regression?
Linear regression is a fundamental algorithm in machine learning and can be thought of as simple supervised learning.
It models the relationship between a dependent variable
and one or more independent variables
by fitting a linear equation to the observed data.
Linear Regression Equation
When rewritten for a simple linear regression model, we write it:
: Dependent variable
: Independent variable
: Intercept
: Slope
Loss Function
The goal of linear regression is to find the values of
that minimize the difference between the observed and predicted values of
We quantify this using a
loss function
Mean Squared Error (MSE)
, calculated as:
: Actual value
: Predicted value
: Number of observations
All models have a loss function, to "fit" a model is to minimize the loss function.
Visualizing Linear Regression
The line of best fit minimizes the vertical distances (errors) between the observed points and the predicted line.
The sum of these squared distances is what we aim to minimize using the loss function.
Why MSE Instead of Mean Absolute Error (MAE)?
MSE penalizes larger errors more than MAE.
Squaring the errors emphasizes larger discrepancies, making the model more sensitive to outliers.
MSE is differentiable, which makes it easier to optimize using gradient-based methods.
Fitting a Linear Regression
Normal Equation
For small to medium-sized datasets, linear regression can be solved using simple matrix math:
: Matrix of input features
: Vector of output values
For larger datasets (and for other algorithms we'll go over later),
Gradient Descent
is used.
For this class, we'll just use SKLearn.
Multiple Linear Regression
For multiple linear regression, the model includes multiple independent variables:
: Independent variables
: Coefficients
Linear Regressions Revisited
What is Polynomial Regression?
Extension of linear regression to capture non-linear relationships.
Fits a polynomial equation to the data
Polynomial Regression Equation
: Dependent variable
: Independent variable
: Coefficients
Feature Transformation
into polynomial features
Original feature:
Polynomial features:
Model Training
Similar to linear regression but with polynomial terms
Minimize the sum of squared errors (SSE)
Overfitting and Underfitting
: Model is too simple, misses the pattern
Good Fit
: Model captures the underlying pattern without noise
: Model is too complex, captures noise
Good Fit